الجمعة، 11 مارس 2016


The sun is a normal star. It is much closer to us than any other star, and by studying the sun, we can therefore learn more about other stars.

الشمس نجم متوهج وهى اقرب النجوم الى الارض ومن خلاله دراسة الشمس يمكننا أن نتعرف ونكتشف أكثر عن النجوم وخصائصها .

Sun is important to living things because it helps us balance the living thing's everyday lives like plants for them not to be dround. And for humans ang animals for them to keep the temperature warm enough to stay.

للشمس أهمية كبيرة للكائنات الحية لتحافظ على التوازن  ولتعطى الدفئ .


1. The sun is a star. This makes it extremely important for life on Earth. The sun provides us with energy, which brings life on our planet. It defines the seasons, the harvests, and even the sleep patterns of all living creatures on Earth.

بالاظافة لكونها نجم فلها اهمية قصوى للارض لتزودنا بالطاقة لتحافظ على الحياة على الكوكب فهى تحدد الفصول الاربعة و موسم الحصاد، وحتى أنماط النوم من كل المخلوقات الحية على الأرض.

2. The sun is the closest star to our planet. Imagine two cars on the road during the night with their headlights on. One car is closer to you and the other one is far away. Which headlights would seem brighter and bigger? That explains why we see the sun so big and bright. It is simply the nearest star to Earth.

بأعتبار أنها اقرب النجوب لذلك يمكننا الاحساس بالضوء والدفئ أكثر ومن غيرها من النجوم يمكننا تخيلها كعربة قريبة منا ترسل ضوء اخرى أبعد ترسل ضوء كذلك من الطبيعى ان نشعر بضوء الاقرب لذلك نراها كبيرة واكثر اضاءة وانارة لنا .

3. Remember! The Earth orbits around the sun.

الارض تدور حول الشمس 

4. The sun is way bigger than the Earth. In fact its radius is 109 times bigger than the radius of the Earth. For those of you who are curious, the sun’s Radius is 696,000km and the Earth’s radius is 6, 376km.

5. DON’T TOUCH THE SUN! IT’S HOT! The sun’s average surface temperature is 5700 C. Compare that to the Earth’s average temperature, which is 20 C.

حرارة الشمس 5700 درجه بينما الارض 20 

6. The sun is 150 million km (93 million miles) away from the Earth.

بعد الشمس عن الارض 150 مليون كيلو متر

7. How old is the sun? Can you imagine 4.5 billion years?

الشمس منذ 4.5 بليون سنه تكونت

8. We know that the Earth’s structure consists of different layers. The sun also has layers but unlike the Earth, the sun is entirely gaseous; there is no solid surface.

الارض تتكون من طبقات كذلك الشمس تتكون من طبقات من غازات لا طبقات صلبة 

9. The sun rotates on its axis approximately once every 26 days. The sun is made of gas, which is why its different parts rotate at different speeds. The fastest rotation is around the equator and the slowest rotation is at the sun’s polar regions (more than 30 days).

الشمس تدور فى مدار كل 26 يوم وهى كتله غازية  

10. The sun changes. No matter when or where we look at the sun, we will always see something interesting. Scientists observe these changes by watching the sunspots. They increase and decrease on a regular cycle of about 10.8 years.

دائما ما تتغير الشمس وسيرى فيها الباحثون والعلماء ما يثير الانتباه ويدعوهم للبحث .


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