الثلاثاء، 15 مارس 2016

The Basic Needs Of Living Things

all living things depend on the sun for survival. The sun provides energy for the plants which the animals eat. After the animal eats the plants a Carnivore or Omnivore eats the animal. If there was no sun or sunlight on earth, no type of organism could survive. Also the harsh cold and lack of food would kill off all other bacteria and organisms.

تحصل الخلايا على الطاقة اللازمة من الغذاء حيث  تأكل الحيوانات النباتات أو كائنات حية أخرى للحصول على الطاقة ، الشمس تزود الأنظمة البيئية على الأرض بالطاقة ، النباتات (المنتجات) تستخدم أشعة الشمس لصنع غذائها من غاز ثاني أوكسيد الكربون والماء ، ومثل بقية الكائنات الحية تستخدم النباتات الطاقة الناتجة من الغذاء للنمو والتكاثر ، وأي طاقة لا تستخدم تخزنها في الجذور والجذوع والأوراق ، جميع أشكال الحياة في نظام بيئي تعتمد على المُنتِجات للحصول على الطاقة من الشمس وتحولها إلى خلايا وأنسجة وتنقلها لكائنات حية أخرى وكل الكائنات الحية الأخرى في النظام البيئي تأكل لتحصل على الطاقة اللازمة لها ، لذا فإن الحيوانات في مجتمع ما عبارة عن مستهلكين .

The Basic Needs Of Living Things

Every living organism on earth needs some basic things to survive. The amount, way, form or kind of these needs vary from organism to organism. 

For example, water is a basic need for survival. The amount of water a frog needs to survive is not the same as the amount of water a desert cactus plant needs to survive. They all need water, but because they are different living organisms, their water needs will be different, even though they both need water to live.

Sunlight: This is probably the most important need for all living organisms, because it is the source of all energy. It also provides heat for plants and animals

Water: Water is the medium in which living cells and tissue work. Water is also a living environment for many plants and animals

Air: Air is made up of several gases, but the two most important gases are Oxygen and Carbon dioxide. Without oxygen, animals will die, and without carbon dioxide, plants cannot survive.

Food (nutrients): Living things need energy for function. Energy is needed to grow, reproduce, move, and to work. Think of what will happen if you stayed for three days without food…

A Habitat with the Right Temperature: Too cold or too hot? Every living organism needs the ideal temperature to survive either on land or in water. 

The sun is the source of all energy,heat and light. The amount of sunlight in an area determines what living thing can survive there.

For example, the upper part of the sea or ocean receives a lot of sunlight. It is therefore warmer than the ocean floor, which has little or no light at all. Therefore, living things closer to the surface are very different from living things at the floors.

Different plants require different amounts of sunlight to survive. For example, ferns need less light, but dandelions need a lot of direct sunlight.

All plants use sunlight to make food (sugars) in a process called photosynthesis. They store the food in their leaves and the energy flows to other animals that eat the leaves. When leaves fall, decomposers in the soil, work on it, with the help of moisture and heat from the sun.

Sunlight is vital for all animals, even though different animals need different amounts of sunlight and in different ways. For example: many mammals and reptiles such as snakes, turtles and lizards come out during the day to bask in the sun to raise their body temperatures and become active. At the same time, some animals like bats run to hide when the sun comes up to escape the heat. But they too, need the sun. Do you know why?

Indirectly, many nocturnal animals (night animals) need light too. When they come out in the night, they feed on living things that got energy from the sun. Here is another example: Animals at the ocean floors depend on organic matter (dead plants and organisms) that sink to the floors from the surface. Such organic matter contains energy that was first produced by the sun.

The amount of sunlight that living things are exposed to triggers migration of some birds and also aids flowering and pollination. Without this natural variety, living things will not function properly.

We all need energy to grow and live, but plants, animals, and humans get their energy from different places.

Where do you think plants get their energy?

 (They get their energy from sunlight.)

Where do humans and animals get their energy? 

(They get their energy from plants.)

So what does this mean?

 (It means that the energy for all life comes from sunlight.)

Did you know that animals and humans cannot live without plants?

 (This question will help you gauge students' understandings and misconceptions about the importance of plant life.)





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