الثلاثاء، 8 مارس 2016

Introduction to The Matter lesson

matter is everywhere-even in the air !
what are the following famailiar object ? how can you describe them if you didnot know what they were ?  

Describing Objects by using :

1- Size
2- Shape
3- Color
4- texture

we used an object's properties how an object looks , feels , or acts .

* Properties of Matter      

 How It Looks (Shiny ,Dull, Color, etc.)
 How It Feels (Hard, Soft, Rough , Smooth, etc.)
 How It Smells (Sweet, Sharp, Terrible, No Smell, etc.)
 How It Sounds (Loud, Soft, Echo, No Sound, etc.)
 What It Does (Bounce, Stretch, Tear, Break, Magnetism etc.)

* objects take up space your computer is taking space on the desk 
you are taking up space on the chair . 

*   objects have mass

mass is how much there is of an object related to how much something weighs  
mass and weight are two different things . The unit for mass is a gram .

Every thing that takes up space and has mass is Matter 

Every thing around you is Matter .

If you are having trouble understanding matter , look all around you .

So ,

Matter is Anything that takes up space. 

Example; a desk, paper, you Miss Padilla, Mrs. Baldwin.

Physical Properties is anything you can observe about an object using your senses.

What does matter look like?

You can observe that something is green, colorful, shiny, tall, even hot or cold.

You use your sense of Sight to observe physical properties of matter.

What does Matter feel like?

You use you Sense of touch to observe the physical properties of matter.

Rough, Smooth, Soft, Sharp, Cold Furry

What Does Matter Taste Like?

You can use your sense of taste to observe physical properties of matter.

Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter

What does Matter Smell?

You can use your sense of Smell to observe the Physical properties of Matter.

Smell a skunk, roses

3 Matters of State

States: the different forms of Matter.

Solids: It takes up a specific Amount of space and has definite Space.
Ex. A book will always be the same shape no matter what or where it is at. In a shelf? In your hands? FYI show it with a book

Volume: is how much space an object takes up.
~ It will always be the same.

Liquids: A type of Matter that Volume will stay the same. The shape may change.

Ex: The same amount of water may change shape in two different cups. If one is long and skinny then the water will be long and skinny. As opposed if it is short and fat then its shape will be short and fat. (FYI Might want to take 2 glasses and pour water in it.)

Gas: There is no definite shape or definite volume.

~ It takes up the entire space.

Ex. Air

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