الأحد، 6 مارس 2016

physical and chemical changes for Science Teacher

Materials Required:    Computers with the program Inspiration loaded on them. 
Activity Time:     3 days 
Concepts Taught:    Inspiration, Physical and Chemical Changes 



Student Teacher’s Name:.......................... Date: .......................

Grade Level Secondary                        Topic/Unit: Chemistry       School:...............


In this lesson students will use the program Inspiration to help them form a better understanding of physical and chemical changes.

Learning Resources and Materials

Students will need a computer with Inspiration loaded on it, textbook and any notes on physical and chemical changes.

Development of Lesson


In preparation for this lesson, students must have listened to a lecture on physical and chemical changes so that they have a basic knowledge about the topic. From this point students will use Inspiration to map out all of the important differences between these types of changes, and list examples of each change on the diagram. This lesson should allow them to gain a better understanding through a more visual medium.


Students will be placed into groups of 2 or 3 for this lesson. Each group will begin by mapping out all of the elements of physical changes, and then list several of their own examples. Then they will do the same for chemical changes. If a question arises, the group must first try to figure it out for themselves, and if that fails they can ask the teacher for assistance. After completing both diagrams students will print off and turn in their finished products.


Students that struggle with the computer may draw out a web on paper.


After completing the diagram, students will turn it in for grading. It will be corrected and handed back to the students. Students can use this diagram to help them study for the quiz that will be given over physical and chemical changes.


After going over the quiz, a short discussion with students about the problems they struggled with should help them understand physical and chemical changes better. If the use of Inspiration seemed to have increased understanding, then similar lessons should be incorporated with other topics in the future.

Teacher Reflection

This lesson successfully allowed students to gain a better understanding of physical and chemical changes. The use of Inspiration helped visual learners learn more efficiently and allowed students to help and teach each other. This helped reinforce the topic at hand and improved quiz scores.



Java Games: Flashcards, matching, concentration, and word search.

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