First Idea :
A good way to teach the circulatory system that appeals to all those kinaesthetic learners!
يمكننا كمعلمين ان نخلق جو من الابداع والتغيير للطلاب لتعليم تفاعلى محبب .
Set the room out with six tables labelled lungs, heart, brain, legs, arms, stomach. Sit two volunteers at each table, with four at the heart, two on each side. The rest of the class are given pieces of card - red on one side, blue on the other, representing oxygen-rich and deoxygenated blood.
أولى الافكار يمكنك اعتمادهاواجراء التعديلات التى تريدها عليها فى البداية ستحتاج الى تخيل الصورة الكلية للفكرة كمسرحية مصغرة توضح الية عمل الجهاز الدورى والدوران داخل جسم الانسان عن طريق تنظيم طاولات الطلاب وتصنيفها وتعريفها للطلاب كسته طاولات تمثل اعضاء من جسم الانسان ( الرئتين - القلب - المخ - الرجليين - اليدين - المعدة ) حيث يمثل كل عضو جزء من جهاز من اجهزة جسم الانسان على اعتبار ان الجهاز الدورى يمكنه الاتصال بجميع اجزاء وخلايا جسم الانسان
كذلك يمكنك جعل كل طاوله عليها طالبين واعطاء كل طالب كارت على ان يكون جانب باللون الازرقالذى يمثل الدم المحمل بغاز ثانى اكسيد الكربون والاخر باللون الاحمر ويمثل الدم المحمل بغاز الاكسجين .
Send one child off first, circulating the body. Start from one side of the heart, choose a part of the body (e.g. legs) to go to, taking red blood. At the legs table, give to one person at the table, who turns the card over, passes it to the other person, who then returns the deoxygenated blood to the carrier.
كطريقة تجريبية قم بارسال طالب ليمر بكل الطاولات حتى توضح ان الجهاز الدورى يمر بكل اجزاء الجسم ثم ابدا من احد جانبى القلب ليذهب الى الرئتين ليترك الدم الاحمر بالكارت الاحمر ليعطيه لزميله الاخر فيقوم بقلب الكارت ليصبح باللون الازرق المحمل بغاز ثانى اكسيد الكربون فى الجانب الاخر من القلب .
That person then returns to the other side of the heart where the blood card is passed through the two volunteers and back to the carrier, who is directed to the lungs. At the lungs table, the lung volunteers turn the card over, so it becomes once again oxygen-rich. They then send the carrier back to the heart where the cycle begins again and they are directed to another part of the body.
الطالب الذى ذهب فى البداية يمر خلال الطالبين فى القلب ليرجع الى الرئتين وفى الطاوله الخاصة بالرئتين يدير الطالبين الكارت للون الاحمر ويرسلوا المتطوع مرة اخرى الى القلب .
Once the path is clear, gradually add in more carriers until you have the complete blood cycle going round the classroom. At intervals, ask for everyone to freeze and question individuals about what type of blood they are carrying, where it is coming from and where they are going to.
This activity can be followed by colouring in and labelling a diagram to demonstrate understanding.
Second Idea :
Need graphics of circulatory system for reference
blue balloons (marked -O2),
red balloons (marked +O2)
You will need more balloons than you have students
blue balloons (marked -O2),
red balloons (marked +O2)
You will need more balloons than you have students
The basic idea is to turn the room into a version of the circulatory system that students can walk through.
This will be accomplished by having a few students play the parts of the lungs, and the furthest endpoints of the body for exchange: the head, feet and hands.
Students will carry red balloons for oxygenated blood and blue balloons for de-oxygenated blood which will be exchanged when appropriate for a balloon of the other color.
This will be accomplished by having a few students play the parts of the lungs, and the furthest endpoints of the body for exchange: the head, feet and hands.
Students will carry red balloons for oxygenated blood and blue balloons for de-oxygenated blood which will be exchanged when appropriate for a balloon of the other color.
Exchangers will need extra balloons.
1. Decide which arteries and veins you would like to emphasize for the journey.
2. The class before you do this activity, divide the parts of your chosen pathway amongst students with the assignment to create an 8 X 11 sign for their part(s) of the circulatory pathway, including a simple drawing. The sign should either be on red or blue paper or written in red or blue magic marker on white paper. The students will have to determine the location of their part of the pathway as well as whether blood will be oxygenated or not at that point of the circuit. (I suggest having a supply of white paper and blue and red markers in case someone uses the wrong color or doesn’t show up.) Students should also bring a Sharpie marker to class so that they can blow up a red and blue balloon for themselves and write -O2, and +O2 on the respective balloons.
3. Ask for student volunteers to be the R & L lung, head, L & R feet and L & R hand.
1. Decide which arteries and veins you would like to emphasize for the journey.
2. The class before you do this activity, divide the parts of your chosen pathway amongst students with the assignment to create an 8 X 11 sign for their part(s) of the circulatory pathway, including a simple drawing. The sign should either be on red or blue paper or written in red or blue magic marker on white paper. The students will have to determine the location of their part of the pathway as well as whether blood will be oxygenated or not at that point of the circuit. (I suggest having a supply of white paper and blue and red markers in case someone uses the wrong color or doesn’t show up.) Students should also bring a Sharpie marker to class so that they can blow up a red and blue balloon for themselves and write -O2, and +O2 on the respective balloons.
3. Ask for student volunteers to be the R & L lung, head, L & R feet and L & R hand.
You can include a lesson on cardiac function and morphology if you like by having student volunteers represent the chambers of the heart and having them stop each student and coordinate with other heart chambers to beat and move students one by one to the next chamber or on into the bloodstream if you like. (Explain that the exchange of oxygen takes place at capillaries all along the path but for purposes of this exercise we will follow major arteries to the head, feet, hands and back to the heart.
4. Have students place the signs of the pathway appropriately after you station the head, feet, hands, lungs (and possibly heart). Obviously a larger space will be required unless you can push chairs aside or have space to walk between rows of desks or chairs.
5. Tell the remaining students that they represent the blood in the circulatory system.
6. Have the students follow you through the classroom circulatory system, exchanging the red balloons for blue balloons and explain what is happening along the way.
Call out the names of the arteries and veins as you travel through them. Encourage students to say the names of the pathway for themselves as they travel through.
7. Suggest that the person they represent is now running – what will happen to the speed of travel?
8. Switch roles if you have time so that the lungs, feet and hands get a chance to follow the path and someone else can do the exchanging.
4. Have students place the signs of the pathway appropriately after you station the head, feet, hands, lungs (and possibly heart). Obviously a larger space will be required unless you can push chairs aside or have space to walk between rows of desks or chairs.
5. Tell the remaining students that they represent the blood in the circulatory system.
6. Have the students follow you through the classroom circulatory system, exchanging the red balloons for blue balloons and explain what is happening along the way.
Call out the names of the arteries and veins as you travel through them. Encourage students to say the names of the pathway for themselves as they travel through.
7. Suggest that the person they represent is now running – what will happen to the speed of travel?
8. Switch roles if you have time so that the lungs, feet and hands get a chance to follow the path and someone else can do the exchanging.
This idea was adapted from one endorsed by Bernard Poole, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Retrieved from The Educator’s Reference Desk on 12/2/10
Retrieved from The Educator’s Reference Desk on 12/2/10
Oh what an intresting design, lovely colours too!
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