الأربعاء، 8 يونيو 2016

How Addition Works

Learning how to add for the first time? Then get a parent or big kid to help with this stuff.

Know your basics, but need to get better at doing addition in your head without counting on your fingers? Need to know about regrouping and adding bigger numbers? This is the place, so dive right in! 

This is the very beginning of understanding how addition works.
Let's look at two sets:
Set ASet B
Set A: 2 trianglesSet B: 3 triangles
Count how many
triangles are in Set A... There are 2!
Count how many
triangles are in Set B...
There are 3!
Now, put the sets together into one big set:
Set A and Set B get put together to make 5 triangles
Count how many triangles are in this set...There are 5!
So, 2+3=5

The goal is to get the basic idea of adding two sets together.  (You can even do three or more sets when your child really gets good at it!

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