الاثنين، 20 يونيو 2016

The Power of Plants

Powerful? Plants aren’t powerful, you say. They have to stay in one place and depend on the sun and rain for their survival. That’s true, but did you know plants have powerful chemicals inside them? Many plants have healing powers and have been used for thousands of years for medicine. In fact, most of the medicines we have today are made from plants or chemicals with similar properties.

During the Middle Ages, doctors carried bundles of lavender and other herbs to keep them from getting the plague. Sometimes it worked; sometimes it didn’t.

While some plants have the power to heal, others have the power to kill. Many plants are poisonous to animals and people. Some plants that look harmful are actually poisonous. Pokeberries look a lot like huckleberries, but they can make you very sick.

introduction to Healthy Food lesson

Imagine if your body was a fancy sports car. What kind of fuel would you put in it? Would you give it the best fuel you could buy or whatever was around? 

Your body actually is a little like a sports car. When you give your body good food every day, you have energy to grow and play. You get sick less often. You grow and become strong. If you give your body poor fuel, it won’t work as well. You might have less energy or get sick more often.

So what kind of fuel does your body need? Your body needs minerals, vitamins, fiber, fats and protein every day. Each of these foods has a different purpose.

الاثنين، 13 يونيو 2016

long division

  I started out by using one color for the divisor and another for the dividend.

 2.   We kept the quotient and the product the same color as the divisor.  Why?  Because my kids needed a visual reminder of how they are related.  Yellow is for the difference.

 3.  Then we physically picked up the next number in the dividend and moved it down next to the difference.  At this point, one of my kids incredulously shouted out, "That is where that comes from?"

 4.  Keeping the divisor, quotient and products the same color...

5.  We just kept moving down the dividend and carefully lining it up with the quotient.

6.  At the bottom, the last difference was the remainder.

This worked well on the whiteboard with large Post It notes for my small groups yesterday.  They were big enough that the students could easily see them and move them.

If I was working one on one, I would use the smaller Post It notes and construction paper.

As far as whole class/partner work, I am considering making number tiles and mats to make to make a real partner activity (to save on the Post It notes).

I even think that this could be adapted to work as a foldable in our Math Notebooks.  Maybe with the paper number tiles and a foldout....

This is one of those activities that you will have to refine and adapt for your classroom.  

الخميس، 9 يونيو 2016

Facts about Solids

Geometric Solids NamesSolid Figures Description
CubeCube PictureSolid whose faces are square. It has 8 vertices and 12 edges.
CuboidCuboid PictureSolid whose faces are rectangular. It has 8 vertices and 12 edges.
SphereSphere PictureIt is a circular object.
CylinderCylinder PictureCylinder has two flat surfaces and one curved surface.
ConeCone PictureCone formed by the locus of all straight line segments that join the apex to the base. It has one curved surface and one flat surface.

Solid Geometry

Cube (Hexahedron) Facts

Notice these interesting things:
It has 6 Faces
Each face has 4 edges (and is a square)
It has 12 Edges
It has 8 Vertices (corner points)
and at each vertex 3 edges meet
It is one of the Platonic Solids

Cube Model Template
cut out the shape and glue it together.

A cuboid is a box-shaped object.
It has six flat faces and all angles are right angles.
And all of its faces are rectangles.
It is also a prism because it has the same cross-section along a length. In fact it is a rectangular prism.

Sphere Facts
Notice these interesting things:
Sphere Radius
  • It is perfectly symmetrical
  • All points on the surface are the
    same distance from the center
  • It has no edges or
    vertices (corners)
  • It is not a polyhedron

Notice these interesting things:
  • It has a flat base
  • It has one curved side
  • It is not a polyhedron as it
    has a curved surface

Cylinder Facts
Notice these interesting things:
  • It has a flat base and a
    flat top
  • The base is the same as
    the top, and also in-between
  • It has one curved side
  • It is not a polyhedron as it
    has a curved surface


Great Pyramids of Egypt
Pyramid Outlined
When we think of pyramids we think of the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
They are actually Square Pyramids, because their base is a Square

Parts of a Pyramid

Pyramid Base and Apex
A pyramid is made by connecting a base to an apex

Types of Pyramids

There are many types of Pyramids, and they are named after the shape of their base.
Triangular PyramidTriangle
Square PyramidSquare

Pentagonal Pyramid

Right vs Oblique Pyramid

This tells us where the top (apex) of the pyramid is. When the apex is directly above the center of the base it is a Right Pyramid, otherwise it is an Oblique Pyramid.

الأربعاء، 8 يونيو 2016

How Addition Works

Learning how to add for the first time? Then get a parent or big kid to help with this stuff.

Know your basics, but need to get better at doing addition in your head without counting on your fingers? Need to know about regrouping and adding bigger numbers? This is the place, so dive right in! 

This is the very beginning of understanding how addition works.
Let's look at two sets:
Set ASet B
Set A: 2 trianglesSet B: 3 triangles
Count how many
triangles are in Set A... There are 2!
Count how many
triangles are in Set B...
There are 3!
Now, put the sets together into one big set:
Set A and Set B get put together to make 5 triangles
Count how many triangles are in this set...There are 5!
So, 2+3=5

The goal is to get the basic idea of adding two sets together.  (You can even do three or more sets when your child really gets good at it!

الثلاثاء، 7 يونيو 2016

Subtracting Two Digit Numbers with Regrouping (Borrowing)

Let's just dive right in and do one!

Just like before, stack and line things up:

<< Now, I'm going to make my stripes taller...

You'll see why in a second!

The first thing to do is to subtract the ones... But, there's a big problem!

But, no worries... We can fix it! What we're going to do is borrow from the tens stripe. (Also called regrouping!) This is going to look funky at first, but you'll get it pretty easily after you do some of them. It's not that bad. Trust me! It's also a really good idea to grab a pencil or, even better, some colored markers and work these along with me!

Head on over to the next page and we'll get to work!

Here's how we're going to do it:

Now, remember, that's really 90 = 80 + 10!

Now, here's the key to this whole trick:

A 1 in the tens stripe is 10...
and that's the same as 10 ones!

< It's just like swapping a $10 bill for ten $1 bills! >

Now, add the 10 and the 2 in the ones stripe:

Now, we'll finish it off quick! 

Subtract the ones... Then, subtract the tens...

Go to the next page for another one... It's going to feel a LOT easier the second time!

الأربعاء، 1 يونيو 2016


حيث ان الاطار الرئيسى للمنهج يعتمد على ترسيخ  و محاولة تطبيق مبادئ البحث العلمى لتتفرع فى ثلاث ميادين لا يتجزأ من (أ) المعرفة والفهم و تطبيق، (ب) المهارات والعمليات و(ج) الأخلاق والاتجاهات.
وهذه المجالات هي ضرورية لممارسة العلم لتمكين الطلاب من السعي لتحقيق العلم ليكون مجدى ومفيد. وهكذا ترتكز المعرفة، والقضايا والأسئلة المطروحة لتتعلق بالأدوار التى يلعبها العلم في الحياة اليومية، والمجتمع والبيئة.

Central to the curriculum framework is the inculcation of the spirit of scientific inquiry. The conduct of inquiry is founded on three integral domains of (a) Knowledge, Understanding and Application, (b) Skills and Processes and (c) Ethics and Attitudes. These domains are essential to the practice of science. The curriculum design seeks to enable students to view the pursuit of science as meaningful and useful. Inquiry is thus grounded in knowledge, issues and questions that relate to the roles played by science in daily life, society and the environment.

شكر خاص لوزارة التربية والتعليم بسنغافورا 

المشروعات البحثية للمراحل التعليمية الاساسية

أحصل على القوالب الخاصة بالمشروعات البحثية للمراحل التعليمية الاساسية من خلال هذا الرابط Get templates for research projects for basic edu...