الأحد، 22 مايو 2016

Introduction to the five senses lesson

Think about what happens when Mum or Dad tells you that dinner is ready – you can hear them asking you to wash your hands, feel the water and soap against your skin, smell what’s cooking, see your chair at the table and taste the food on your plate. You can do all of that thanks to your senses!

Senses send information collected to various parts of the brain where the data is interpreted and an appropriate response signal returned.

Our senses allow us to

* learn

* to protect ourselves

* to enjoy our world.

* observe and understand the world around us

Can you imagine what it might be like to live your life without any of your senses? 

The senses usually work together to give us a clear picture of the things around us. If one sense is not working due to an accident or illness, then other senses will take over or become stronger to make up for the missing sense.

There are five main ways we can do this:

 through sight (with our eyes)

touch (with our fingers)

 smell (with our nose)

 taste (with our tongue)

 and hearing (with our ears).

Not everyone is able to use all five of their senses. If someone cannot see, they are blind; if someone cannot hear, they are deaf.


If someone is not able to see, they are known as blind. They can learn a special way to read books by touching pages to read words made from little bumps in the page – this is called Braille.
If someone is not able to hear, they are known as deaf. Sign language is a way of talking by using your hands, and this way deaf people can understand what you’re saying. 

Give This a Try

This is your opportunity to try an experiment with your senses. You will need:
  • something you enjoy eating – maybe an apple or banana
  • an onion, cut open (adults should do the cutting)
Now, get someone to help you, by holding the onion under your nose while you eat the apple or banana. Take a deep breath and chew. What do you notice? Some of our enjoyment of eating comes from the fragrances of the food.
What foods do you enjoy smelling? Fresh baked cookies? Bacon frying? Some fragrances will even bring back strong memories.

can You can find more facts about the five senses


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