الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2016

homework during the holidays

Hello primary school students

You have some homework to keep you busy during the holidays. Please take the time to do these questions.

Pay attention to what the question is asking.

Be wise with your answers.

If I find any copied answers, both students will get zeros. Use your own words to answer these questions the best you can. Answer them on a blank sheet of paper with your name on it and I will collect it the first day we return to school. No excuses.

1. Copy and complete the following sentences using the words below. Some may be used twice.

Oxygenated body tissues left lungs carbon dioxide veins deoxygenated right oxygen

The right side of the heart pumps blood to the _?_. Here it absorbs __?_ and is now called __?___ blood.

The gas ___?___ is removed from the blood in the lungs. The blood returns to the __?__ side of the heart and from here it is pumped to the ___?__ where it gives up its __?__ and is now called __?__ blood. It passes back to the __?__ side of the heart in __?__.

2. When talking about the circulatory system, explain what is meant by double circulation.

3. In each of the following cases, state which blood vessel carries:

    a. blood to the rest of the body

   b. blood from the lungs to the left atrium

   c. blood from the body to the right atrium

  d. blood to the lungs

  e .blood under the greatest pressure?

4. Give the word that matches these descriptions:

   a. sheet of muscle forming the roof of the abdomen

   b. one of these enters each lung

   c. where exchange of gases takes place

  d. an organ made of spongy tissue found in the chest

  e. flexible tube with rings of cartilage

5. Describe how the ribs and diaphragm bring about breathing movements during inspiration and expiration.

6. Give an explanation for why alveoli are very thin, have a large surface area and has a network of capillaries around it?

7. Blood flowing to the lungs is at a lower pressure than blood flowing to the rest of the body. Why do you think that is?

8. State the function of the three types of blood vessels.

resouces :


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