الأحد، 22 مايو 2016

who asks most of the questions in class, the teacher or the students?

Active learning extends beyond the classroom. When you ask questions in the classroom, you are modeling a process that students can and should use themselves; encourage your students to use the following questioning strategies to assess what they have learned, to develop their thinking skills, and to study for exams.
 طرح الأسئلة أحدى استراتيجيات التعلم النشط كأسلوب لتشجيع الطلاب لتطوير المهارات التفكير وتعتبر كوسيلة تقويمية يطرحها المعلم و يستطيع الطالب عن طريقها التوصل الى ما تم تعلمه خلال الحصة .

the teacher needs to be expert at asking strategic questions, and not only asking well-designed ones, but ones that will also lead students to questions of their own Doing so will help you increase student participation and encourage active learning.

كذلك استخدام المعلم لهذه الاستراتيجية ليستطيع الطالب من خلالها صياغة تساؤلات حول موضوع الدرس او حول السؤال الذى يوجهه المعلم .

لذلك لابد ان يراعى بعض النقاط عند صياغة هذه الاسئلة حتى تتحقق الهدف منها .

* Keeping It Simple

* Do not interrupt students’ answers

* Show that you are interested in students’ answers, whether right or wrong.

* Develop responses that keep students thinking ask the rest of the class to explain the thinking that led to her answer .

من المهم مراعاة اعطاء الطلاب قدر كافى من الوقت للأجابة و الاهتمام ويمكنك عند اجابة احد الطلاب اشراك باقى الصف فى زيادة المناقشات التى تؤدى الى اجابة الطالب النهائية .

if you are a new teacher or perhaps not so new but know that question-asking is an area where you'd like to grow, start tomorrow with these five and asking your students questions, be sure to provide time for them to think. What's best here, three seconds .

#1. What do you think?

#2. Why do you think that?

#3. How do you know this?

#4. Can you tell me more?

#5. What questions do you still have?

To help student feel more comfortable and confident with answering questions and asking ones of their own, you can use this scaffold: Ask a question, pause, and then invite students to "turn and talk" with a neighbor first before sharing out with the whole group. This allows all to have their voices heard and also gives them a chance to practice their responses before sharing in front of the whole class.

Higher Order Questions

Do you think the plan will work?Why/justify your answer. 

What do you know about the character? How?

What do you think might happen next?

What picture do you get in your head?

What questions could you ask the character?

How did you feel, why?

can you explain what you mean?

What do you think she/he has learnt?

Were your predictions correct, why/why not?

Can you see any adjectives, adverbs…?

What other books have you read that have been about (insert topic)?


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