الجمعة، 20 مايو 2016

ideas for fun learning

Here are some of the ideas 

:Integrate technology in meaningful ways

** Carefully select computer programs to help students achieve their goal
** Find useful and interactive websites students can navigate
** Download beneficial apps on the iPads
** Allow your students to use cameras and video cameras to document their learning
** Create WebQuests for your students
** Find great YouTube videos to show your students
** Integrate useful Web 2.0 tools

** Provide your students with choice
** Create different activities for your students to work on
** Ensure your students are being challenged
** Provide hands on activities
** Allow your students to create something

في هذا المقال على تسليط الضوء على بعض الأفكار التي يمكننا جميعا الاستعانة بها على تنشيط و بعث الحماس في الفصل الدراسي ، وهي على العموم سهلة التطبيق لكنها غاية في الأهمية لما قد تحمله إلينا من نتائج تجعل المتعلمين يتحمسون للدراسة مما سينعكس لا محالة إيجابا على تحصيلهم ونتائجهم الدراسية.

مشاهدة الرسوم المتحركة

لا يتعلق الأمر بالضرورة برسوم متحركة تعليمية، بل يكفي اختيار أي رسوم يرتاح إليها الطلاب ويفضلون مشاهدتها، بعد ذلك يمكن استغلال هذه الرسوم في تنمية مهارات الحكي أو التعبير الشفهي أو الكتابي، كأن نطلب من الطلاب خلاصة لأحداث ما تمت مشاهدته دون أن ننسى ما لها من أهمية في تكسير روتين الفصول الدراسية.

:Encourage your students to present their work in a variety of ways

News Presenters
Ask the students to create a powerpoint slide of the multiplication table including images and voice recording.
Create a rap song or poem as part of a homework activity or class activity about a multiplication table.
Record your voice reading the multiplication tables on your class blog or on a CD for students to listen to as part of their homework.
Series of photos
Create a game show as a class where the teacher acts as a host and there are rotating pairs of students with a buzzer to answer a multiplication sum.

The following activity may be used to challenge misconceptions:

Fold a piece of paper in half
Ask the students a question and the students are to write their answer to the question inside
The students are to then perform an experiment/activity and compare their answers

At the end of the unit: 
Create a mind map or student drawings of their current understandings and compare them to the mind map/drawings created in the beginning of the unit (great for parent interviews and post tests)
Provide students with project ideas if they want to continue researching the topic
Ask the students what else they would like to know that wasn’t covered in the unit or what questions the unit has brought up for them



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