Learning needs to be fun and students should be engaged. Using different approaches allows all students to learn as their learning style is taken into account.
1. Structure Pyramid
Students draw a pyramid and answer the following in each level, starting from the top:
يقوم الطلاب برسم هرم من مجموعة من الاسئلة والإجابة على ما يلي في كل مستوى، بدءا من أعلى طبقا للتالى .
One word for the title
Two words to tell ‘when’ it happened
Three words to tell the ‘main characters’
Four words to describe the ‘setting’
Five words to describe ‘actions’ that happened in the story
Six words to express ‘emotions’
Seven words to identify an ‘instruction’ in the story
Eight words to tell the ‘key message’ of the story
2. Thinking Squares
A cross is drawn in the middle of the page in order to create four squares;
يتم رسم مربعات على هيئة موجب متعامد في منتصف الصفحة من أجل إنشاء أربعة مربعات.
المربع رقم واحد: الكلمات والعبارات والأفكار
ساحة اثنين: استخدام الصور لإظهار المعنى
ساحة ثلاثة: كيف يمكن أن تنطبق على عالم اليوم؟
ساحة أربعة: رسم رمز
Square one: words, phrases, ideas
Square two: use pictures to show the meaning
Square three: how could it apply to the world today?
Square four: draw a symbol
3. Character Map
Provide students with a picture of the main characters in the story and ask them to write what each character might be thinking, feeling, saying and doing at a particular point in the story.
يقوم المعلم بتزويد الطلاب بصورة من الشخصيات الرئيسية في القصة واطلب منهم أن يكتبوا تفكير و مشاعر كل شخصيات على حدى .
4. Please Explain
Students are provided with cards with words on them pertaining to a story. For example, sad, scared, mean, wise, wild, fair, healed and so on.
يتم تزويد الطلاب مع بطاقات بكلمات تتعلق قصة. على سبيل المثال، حزينا، خائفا، يعني، والحكمة والبرية ونزيهة، ويقوم الطلاب بشرح كيف تتعلق كل كلمة بالقصة .
Students are to take turns with a partner and turn over a card, read the word and explain how the word relates to the story. For example, Mary felt scared when the angel appeared to her.
5. Reach the Target
Provide the students with an outcome or conclusion. The students are to come up with four statements that lead them to the outcome or conclusion which they write after the four statements.
6. Analysing a Story
Ask students to record the sounds, sights, smells, touch and tastes they associate with a story.
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