الاثنين، 15 أغسطس 2016

What are the parts of the body & What are senses

our body is more than what you see when you look in the mirror – there are different parts that have different jobs, but each part works together so you can eat, sleep, sit in class and play with friends.

Your body is a pretty amazing thing! While there’s lots happening on the outside that you can see, such as scratching an itch, eating lunch with your friends at school and running outdoors, there’s even more happening inside. 

Think about what happens when Mum or Dad tells you that dinner is ready – you can hear them asking you to wash your hands, feel the water and soap against your skin, smell what’s cooking, see your chair at the table and taste the food on your plate. You can do all of that thanks to your senses!

Senses allow us to observe and understand the world around us. There are five main ways we can do this: through sight (with our eyes), touch (with our fingers), smell (with our nose), taste (with our tongue) and hearing (with our ears).

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