للتوصل الى عنوان الدرس بدون أخبار الطلاب يمكنك استخدام الطريقة لتسمح لطلابك للتوصل الى الدرس بانفسهم عن طريق قيامك بدور الموجه والمشرف بتوجيهك مجموعة متسلسله من الاسئله محضرة مسبقا مبنيه على توقعاتك لاجابات الطلاب فى كل مرة بطريقة تصاعدية للوصول الى المفاهيم الاساسية للدرس .
قم بأختيار عدد من الطلاب يتراوح من 3 الى 4 وتقوم بطرح سؤال ما نوع الطعام المفضل لديكم ؟ مع تصنيف الاجابات ( مصدر نباتى - مصدر حيوانى )
إذا كان اجابت احدهم ايس كريم مثلا تجيب بأن مصدر الايس كريم هو اللبن ومصدره البقرة ( حيوان ) والسكر مصدره القصب ( نبات )
Next, point out that these foods all come from either animals (meat, fish, milk, eggs), or plants. These are foods that humans eat, and we need to eat to fuel our bodies so they function correctly. But what about other animals, such as the cows and chickens, whose meat, milk or eggs we eat? What do they eat? (Expect students to respond that cows eat grass and chickens eat plants, seeds and insects.)
Then ask students, "What do plants eat, then?" Expect students to know that plants do not eat, except for the few that consume insects, such as pitcher plants and Venus flytraps. If most plants do not eat, how do they grow and fuel themselves to make fruits and seeds and new leaves, etc.? All other living things need food, so what about plants? How plants fuel themselves is the subject of this lesson.
بعض قيامك بتصنيف اجابات الطلاب عن الاطعمة كنبات او كحيوان يمكنك طرح سؤال أخر
ماذا يتغذى النبات ؟ توقع اجابات غريبة مثلا كأن جذور النبات تاكل الرمال وجزيئات التربة ....... من خلال هذا الدرس يمكنك التعامل معها بحكمة ............ فى جزء لاحق من الدرس
ولكن يمكنك دائما توضيح الامور بقولك النبات كائن حى ينمو ويكبر وبعضه ينتج ثمار ( فواكه _ خضروات ) لذلك يحتاج الى وقود ليقوم بأنشطته التى قد لا يلاحظها الطلاب ولابد توضيحها كقيام النبات بأنتاج الثمار واعادة اجزاء النبات المفقودة كأنبات اوراق بدلا عن المتساقطة واحيانا يقوم بأنتاج نبات أخر .
Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers
Plants make their own fuel, a simple sugar called glucose. They make it through the process of photosynthesis, which for almost all plants, occurs in the leaves. The simple description of photosynthesis is that plants are able to absorb light energy from the sun, and use this energy to combine carbon dioxide and water in such a way as to form glucose and oxygen. The glucose that is created provides the fuel for all the plant's internal activities. Thus, plants do not need to eat because they make their own food source.
لندخل الى درس اليوم لابد من اتباع التسلسل التدريجى والتصاعدى حتى نصل الى ان العملية التى يصنع خلالها النبات غذائه تسمى عملية البناء الضوئى
يحتاج اولا النبات الى بعض المواد الاساسية حيث يقوم النبات بامتصاص ضوء الشمس و الحصول على ثانى اكسيد الكربون من الهواء والماء من الارض عن طريق الجذور ليقوم بصنع الجلوكوز الذى يعتبر بمثابة الوقود الذى يمد اجزاء النبات بالطاقة ...........
لذلك النبات لا يحتاج الى أن يأكل لانه يصنع غذائه بنفسه ..
In reality, photosynthesis is a highly complex process. It occurs in small structures in the leaf cells called chloroplasts. These are microscopic in size but can easily be seen in some plants with an ordinary light microscope (see the Lesson Extension Activity section). Chloroplasts are bright green in color and oblong in shape.The chemical chlorophyll, with which they are filled, is what gives them their color, and makes the entire leaf green as well.
لكل جزء من اجزاء النبات وظيفة واللون الاخضر للنبات يمثله الكلوروفيل الذى يمتص ضوء الشمس كمصدر مهم للنبات للحياة ليحوله الى التفاعلات الضوئية يتم استخدام الطاقة الكيميائية لتقسيم جزيئات الماء إلى هيدروجين وأكسجين
لاعتبار الاكسجين غير ضرورى للنبات وزائد عن حاجتها حيث يخرج عبر الثقوب الموجودة بالسطح العلوى للاوراق خلال عملية تسمى بتفاعلات الظلام .
Chlorophyll is remarkable because when light strikes it, it is able to convert the light energy into a form of chemical energy. This first part of photosynthesis is known as the light reactions. Through a series of events within the chloroplast, the chemical energy is used to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.This splitting of water molecules in turn provides hydrogen and an energy source for the second part of photosynthesis, the Calvin cycle. In the meantime, though, the oxygen from the split water molecules is not needed, so it is released to the outside world through pores in the leaf surface.
The light reactions make up the photo part of photosynthesis, and the Calvin cycle makes up the synthesis part. The Calvin cycle consists of a series of chemical reactions in which carbon dioxide, taken in from the atmosphere through the same pores in the leaf that allow the passage of oxygen, is combined with water molecules to form glucose. Like the light reactions, the reactions of the Calvin cycle also take place within the chloroplasts. And while the Calvin cycle does not require light (it used to be known as "the dark reactions"), it nevertheless cannot occur unless preceded by the light reactions.
بتوفر الماء الذى يقوم الجذر بامتصاصة من التربه يقوم النبات بتصنيع جزيئات الجلوكوز ليقوم تخزينه كمصدر للوقود للنبات ويمكن تجمع جزيئن او اكثر من الجلوكوز لتكون جزئ سكر معقد المعروفة باسم النشويات. هذه النشويات مألوفة جدا بالنسبة لنا كجزء من نبات البطاطس التي نتناولها، جنبا إلى جنب مع أجزاء من الفواكه مثل التفاح والكمثرى والبطيخ والفراولة. السليلوز هو مزيج مألوف آخر من جزيئات الجلوكوز. انه يمثل الهياكل الداعمة للنبات، لذلك هو مما يجعل الكرفس ، وجذوع الأشجار القوية والعشب ليفي.
Once glucose molecules are produced by the plant, these can be used as a fuel source for the plant's immediate needs, or they can be stored for future use. In the latter case, two or more glucose molecules are usually combined into more complex sugars known as starches. These starches are very familiar to us as the part of the potato plant that we eat, along with the fleshy parts of fruits such as apples, pears, melons and strawberries. Cellulose is another familiar combination of glucose molecules. It makes up the support structures for the plant, so it is what makes celery crisp, tree trunks strong and grass fibrous.
Body of Lesson
When you ask students how plants obtain food to grow and sustain themselves, students may respond that they get food from the soil. Some may even think that the roots somehow eat soil. Explain that plants do get some things from the soil, but they do not eat it. Instead, plant roots are able to remove water from the soil. Since soil contains minerals, the water that is taken up by the roots will contain small amounts of these minerals, and these are needed by the plant. However, they cannot really be considered food for the plant. If these minerals alone were enough to sustain the plant, it would be like us humans being able to live and grow by simply taking a vitamin pill each day, without eating anything else.
Explain that instead, plants are able to make their own food, and then use that food in much the same way that we use food: it provides a source of energy for all their activities. While we do not normally think of plants as active, inside the plant a lot going on. Plants grow by making new parts of the plant, and they also make new plants, mainly by producing flowers, seeds and fruits. They are also able to repair damage from having parts eaten by insects and other animals, and repair wounds, such as when a storm or hail breaks branches and leaves.
Next, explain how plants make their own food from the process of photosynthesis. Students can also learn the simplified "equation" for photosynthesis:
light + carbon dioxide + water = glucose + oxygen
Emphasize, however, that this process cannot happen without the chemical chlorophyll.